Growth Mindset

Quite a bit from the 3p conference with Dan Haesler on the growth mindset. A few weeks later this came across my desk from Sal Khan! It’s good – all about growth mindset versus fixed, seeing how we can learn anything, and how persistence should be congr..? (updated link?)

Here’s a link to a stimulating blog on growth mindset… lasting or passing philosophy? In particular here I think the 4 action points late in the article are excellent goals for the maths classroom!

Here is a TED Talk that dips into the idea of growth mindset (ever so briefly) as a method for building grit. ‘Grit’ was identified by this former maths teacher as being the key factor (rather than IQ etc) in determining people’s success in different things (e.g. graduating). Interesting, but brief.

A research paper was published by researchers including Jo Boaler about the effect of her Mathematical Mindsets online work. Interventions noted to particularly assist girls, language learners and economically disadvantaged students.

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